I hope you had an incredible RESURRECTION Sunday!
We have officially closed out Q1 and are re-emerging into Q2 like it is a brand new year!
The 12-week year is when you acknowledge the top of each quarter with the same energy that you give January 1st. You allow yourself the opportunity to do great things every 3 months rather than by the end of the 365 day year.
Pour into you for the next 3 months and see what happens. Whether it's in your fitness, your mindfulness or other areaS of your life... Let's grow & flow without resistance!
Spring has officially SPRUNG!!! We've got new programs on the way soon to get us right and tight for summer. Until then, tap into these Livestream classes, available to you for accountability and community! Pull up!
Invite your friends and loved ones to join you and sign up for classes at Socanomics.com/liveclasses!