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It's Wellness Wednesday! Let's talk about Spring DETOX!

Blessings Tribe! What's up, it's Selena! I hope you are well as you're reading this post. It is Day 3 of a 7-day detox that I am on and I wanted to get into conversation more deeply with you! Also, a few of you have suggested that you want to receive Wellness Wednesday newsletters and hear my philosophy on things like exercise, healthy lifestyle and healthy eating. And so here I am, grateful that you opened this letter. Let’s talk about some thangs! Have a seat.


There’s something innately beautiful about a cleanse. You gain a sense of clarity about yourself and about life that you can’t see or hear as well when you are stuck, clogged and cluttered by literal poop.

I learned about IMPECCABLE LISTENING - When you can hear yourself and God most audibly and tangibly - from Queen Afua during my Sacred Woman Rites of Passage Journey and it stays with me. I tap in with myself daily whether through breathwork, meditation, or other limbs of yoga so that I can hear God in me. And there are moments when the voices are either mute or parasitic. And it’s just a timer of me, needing to purify my vessel.

The gut is a symbol of many things that we are holding on to.

What we can’t release is symbolically as emotional as it is physical. And so gut cleansing is about making spiritual and mental space and PEACE while learning how to clear your physical body.

So today is Day 3, and compared to even just a week ago… in addition to less Bloat, I’m happier, I’m more optimistic and my third eye is activated. I’ve always had a great imagination, great vision and ambition, and so it’s interesting to see the times that it gets blurry. And that’s okay. There are gargantuous things that obstruct our view every day, such as sensationalism in the news, social media, and the devil in its many forms, for real, for real. And so a detox allows us to get back to Self and homeostasis.


Today, I feel watered and cared for like my house plants. There is finally sun in LA! And for those on the East Coast I know it sounds spoiled, but it was wild. We have felt the effects of cold, daily rain and mugginess since Christmas and it created a seasonal depression over this city that has never been felt. (That’s subjective of course.) I don’t think I’ve ever felt it before or I just never noticed. Even in my final winter of living in New York in 2017, I was just sick of cold weather and snow, it didn’t hit me any deeper than the fact that I wanted to be warmer. So during this past Quarter, more was required of me to stay in alignment and on a high vibration. I thank God for my life partner, Mike, because he brings me out of the mud when he sees me getting stuck, and I do the same for him.

Anyway, now that tears have welled up in my own eyes, let me get back to my message. The Sun has made such a difference and this Spring Cleaning composed of herbs, superfoods and supplements stimulates the change as well. And POOPING, my goodness, is my favorite part.

It feels like an exorcism. Not to be so graphic, but if it’s a microcosm of all the things we are releasing… WOW! I am grateful.

And so my residual message today is that it’s important to take part in cleanses often. And you can create your own detoxes. At first, you’ll follow specific programs and then eventually you’ll learn what regimen helps you be the best you.


For me, this week, in addition to taking Queen Afua’s 7-Day Detox, we (both Mike and I) are also increasing the things we already do.

We are Juicing (mostly a mix of cooling foods like celery, cucumber, mint, parsley, and watercress, etc. with ginger and a green apple, or pear)

Side note: When I am energetically focused on cleaning my blood, I focus on beets, cherries, blueberries and dark red foods, but for this week GREEN is my bestie.

Sometimes I do a complete juice fast, but for this week, we're still eating some solid food. As many of you know, we are plant-based which for us means NO dairy, NO meat. We also long ago eliminated white sugar and typical vegetable oil. (I use grapeseed, coconut, avocado and olive)

I eat minimal to no gluten, and I’ll say 95% NO fish. (When we were in Antigua at the retreat, we surely ate seafood and when home in NY with my folks… Good Morning, Saltfish)

That’s why I consider myself plant-BASED versus Vegan. Vegan has such an energy on it that I don’t ascribe to. For one, because I do eat honey. Two, I’m not focused on replacing meat flavors with processed versions of it. I am focused on Whole Foods, Nutrient Dense Meals, and plants from the God-given Earth.

I eat Alkaline as often as I can and prepare Raw meals when my body desires. So when I go on a cleanse, it happens in deeper layers. More juicing, more raw, more alkalinity, more of everything…… And in many other ways, Less.

Taking observation of what I’m reading and watching is a regular occurrence so during this week, I am even more aware.

I’m working out, mindfully and continuing the small things, which are the big change-makers — smudging with sage, palo santo, baths in epsom salt, diffusing oils, using my air purifier, sleeping and meditating with the crystals that align with the chakra I am connected to or misaligned with at that moment. And this week I’m going to use my Neti pot as well, because it’s been a while, and I’m going into the sauna a few times, to purge even more toxins.

I normally like to do 2-3 colonics during a cleanse. But this week I may not get to it, which fine. I enjoy at least once a year of colon hydrotherapy.


I keep saying I and we, because I can only share the experience of what we do for ourselves. With all that I know and have gained knowledge of, I still don’t like to tell people what to do. You decide what works for you.

Cleaning the house can be your detox, not going got on social media, not speaking words, journaling everyday. All of it matters. And if after reading this you decide to take even just one of these tools away with you into your life, I am grateful. I am here as a vessel and as a source to help you wherever you feel that you need a push or a jump start.

Consider cleansing 2 times a year. Or start with one a year. It’s mostly about effort and access which I understand.


It’s also helpful when your partner is in alignment with what you are eating/doing and can do an equal amount of cooking. This is probably the hardest part for most, I know, but this is the key if your household is more than you alone. On the flip side, being a Catalyst for your friends and family means they can’t forced. They just need a few, or a lot, of seeds and moments to come to their own epiphany. In fact, the concept of being a Catalyst by Jonah Berger asks YOU to R.E.D.U.C.E your level of approach so that it decreases their negative REACTANCE, being ENDOWED to their belief or habits, feeling DISTANT from the goal, having UNCERTAINTY about what's ahead and needing CORROBORATING EVIDENCE.

With that said, maybe today you’ll notice in your own Self how these emotions show up and how, or if, you’d like to become your own catalyst for change. xX

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Alisa Stevens

I would love to learn more about detoxing.

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